Upper Canadian

DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.

a native or resident of Upper Canada. See note at Upper-Canada.


They should learn not to asperse the well-tried loyalty of the Upper Canadians.
Once resolved that it had to leave Montreal, Kingston was the only place which could possibly have been selected as the permanent seat; it would have been unjust to take the Lower Canadians always so far West as Toronto -- it would have been equally unjust to take the Upper Canadians always so far East as Quebec.
He frowned constantly and persistently on all the Ontario residents here, and to this day, out of nearly twenty appointments made, there is not one single Upper Canadian.
Premier Robarts wishes Nova Scotians would stop referring to persons who live in Ontario as Upper Canadians.